
National Breastfeeding Month 2020

Integrative Therapies & Wellness is celebrating National Breastfeeding Month! 


Breastfeeding comes with some incredible benefits!

Research shows that breastmilk can provide protection against certain common childhood illnesses, such as ear infections, respiratory infections, and diarrhea.  It can also help to reduce the risk of certain allergies and type II diabetes. For mom, breastfeeding triggers the release of oxytocin, which plays a role in bonding with your baby, as well as stimulates the uterus to contract following childbirth. Breastfeeding may also reduce the risk of breast cancer as well as ovarian cancer.  

  . . . As well as some challenges.

While the benefits of breastfeeding are numerous, breastfeeding can also come along with some challenges. Pain with latch, clogged ducts, mastitis, and low milk supply are all common but not normal when initiating a breastfeeding relationship. If you plan to breastfeed, it is helpful to have a plan in place if you should need addi...

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3 Ways To Practice Gratitude

Gratitude takes root in our heart and our senses.

Practicing gratitude can keep our hearts open to the tenderness in our daily experiences. Choose to focus your time and attention on what you appreciate. Appreciation softens us and soothes our minds by connecting us with the ordinary things that we may otherwise take for granted.  

Whether it’s choosing to write a few sentences in a journal, or simply taking a moment to silently acknowledge all that you have, giving thanks can transform your life.  Research shows that gratitude is one of the keys to happiness, well-being and life satisfaction.  Read on for 3 ways to practice gratitude.

1. Say “thank you”.  

Say “thank you” and mean it.  Saying thank you can be a gift, and one that feels good, too.  Offering appreciation to one another is powerful.  Be grateful for the kind words people say about you and believe them. 

The next time you receive a compliment, say “thank you” and own it.  It will transform how you feel about yoursel...

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10 Ways To Boost Your Confidence Today

The rink is full of people who have come to watch their children, grandchildren, sisters, brothers, students, and friends. My son is a hockey goalie the last defense preventing the other team from scoring. When the puck slips into the net all eyes are on the goalie. I remain in the stands, nerve-wracked, sweating armpits, heart pounding inside my chest and feeling like I may pee my pants . . . feeling all the feels for him.
Yet he shows no signs of this. He has the COURAGE, the BRAVERY, and the CONFIDENCE.
So how do you muster up the courage to be confident enough to do or say the thing that everyone will see?
According to Kay and Shipman, authors of "The Confidence Code", women are wired to be less confident than men.
Women take a more measured approach to trying new things. Their approach likely involves research, preparation, practice, and a lot of internal self-talk before they step up. Men go for "it", and usually, the audience appreciates what...
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