Thoughts of fear and worry elicit emotions, often unexpressed, which in turn creates a physiological response in the body. Research has proven that fear and related emotions can produce a chemical (TGF) that causes the fascia to thicken, increasing inflammation and compromising our immune system. Fascia is the soft tissue that weaves throughout our entire body surrounding and supporting every single cell and structure in your body. The thickening of the fascia becomes solidified, like a “straight jacket” on the body and becomes a source of pain, dysfunction, and limitation, which may cause additional fear, further thickening the fascia, creating more restrictions/contraction in an attempt to protect against the unidentified threat.
Authentic myofascial release stimulates a profound phenomenon. It begins with “pressure electricity”. It is understood that the fascia is a crystalline structure, and when pressure is applied to a crystal, you create electrical flow. After about 5 m...
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