
Boost Your Immunity

Thoughts of fear and worry elicit emotions, often unexpressed, which in turn creates a physiological response in the body.  Research has proven that fear and related emotions can produce a chemical (TGF) that causes the fascia to thicken, increasing inflammation and compromising our immune system.  Fascia is the soft tissue that weaves throughout our entire body surrounding and supporting every single cell and structure in your body. The thickening of the fascia becomes solidified, like a “straight jacket” on the body and becomes a source of pain, dysfunction, and limitation, which may cause additional fear, further thickening the fascia, creating more restrictions/contraction in an attempt to protect against the unidentified threat.    

Authentic myofascial release stimulates a profound phenomenon.  It begins with “pressure electricity”. It is understood that the fascia is a crystalline structure, and when pressure is applied to a crystal, you create electrical flow.  After about 5 m...

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What is Myofascial Release (MFR)?

What is Myofascial Release?

Through Myofascial Release, as a patient and as a therapist, I understand the importance of treating the whole body, not just the symptoms, and that every ‘body’ is unique based on their response to life circumstances.

Myofascial Release (MFR, John F Barnes approach) is a very effective hands-on technique that involves applying gentle, varied, sustained pressure and elongation into the body’s fascia. Fascia is the body’s connective tissue. Think about it as a three-dimensional spider web that is found throughout the entire body. It extends from head to toe, surrounding every system in our body, and is responsible for our structure/shape.

These techniques can help eliminate pain and restore posture and motion. It is gentle in nature and can help people with many degrees of pain, from chronic pain syndromes to injury recovery.

Fascial restrictions do not appear on standard medical tests and can only be felt through hands-on assessment of the soft tissue

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Self Unwinding

Summer is filled with outdoor fun, vacations, and the tendency to cram in as much activity as possible before school starts up again.

If you find yourself getting carried away in the hustle and bustle of the summer season, try one of my favorite and most effective whole-body self-treatments - Self Unwinding.  It’s my way of “unwinding” my mind and body, especially after a week of fun-filled activities and preparing for a busy week ahead.  

Enjoy this video of Self Myofascial Unwinding led by John F. Barnes, my mentor and Father of Myofascial Release.  Give it a try and share your experience, or share your favorite way of “unwinding” after a busy holiday/vacation.

​If you are looking for some help in learning to "unwind," make an appointment to see me today.

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