
Stress, Breath, and the Psoas

Do you have back or neck pain/tension, SI pain, sciatica, or anxiety? Most people experience stress in some way, shape, or form. Life, in general, can be stressful.  Do you have a daily practice focusing on stretching, breath or breathing? If not you’ll want to continue reading!

Our bodies were created with a survival instinct.  When we perceive danger with one of our 5 senses our sympathetic nervous system is activated and it responds with a physiological reaction called “fight or flight” (stress response).  Our brains initiate an electrochemical response which may include an increased heart rate, constricted muscles, short/rapid breaths, chest tightness, dilated pupils, sweating, trembling, and difficulty focusing.

This comes in handy when we need to run from danger or fight for our life.  But we also know that our bodies may respond as if we are in danger when, in reality, we are not.  Have you ever woken from a dream in this state?...

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