
Mind Body Connection

In the quest for healing, many people are learning the meaning behind the idea of mind-body connection. Much of what has been discovered stems from ancient methodologies, medicine, and healing practices that the western world is opening up to gradually. These ancient teachings have been lost in our fast-paced society that tends to clamor for the new, shiny thing, but the practices echo what we already know; the knowledge lives in our own intuition.

The philosophy behind mind-body connection is actually very simple and it means that these two seemingly separate things are actually the same; they are interconnected, and one influences the other’s health and fortitude. What we do with our mind affects our body and vice versa. Our mind is present throughout our body. 


All of our thoughts can manifest internally and externally, meaning that our mind has a direct link and effect on our health, both mentally and physically. Does this mean if you have a negative thought, you will get canc...

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Quick Tips To Tame Tension

Have you been feeling a little tense lately?

Here are some quick tips to tame your tension. Try them out and let me know which one helps you best.

Practice slow-paced breathing.

  • Consciously changing the way you breathe appears to send a signal to the brain to adjust the parasympathetic branch of the nervous system, which can slow heart rate and digestion and promote feelings of calm.

Watch your favorite comedy or sitcom.

  • Enjoying a good laugh activates and relieves your stress response, and it can increase and then decrease your heart rate and blood pressure. Resulting in a good, relaxed feeling.

Adopt an uplifting mantra and repeat it when you're happy.

  • That will train your mind to associate the phrase with being content. Then, when you're on edge, chant your mantra and you'll immediately feel more at ease.

Spending even a few minutes in meditation can restore your calm and inner peace.

  • Anyone can practice meditation anywhere. It's simple and inexpensive, and it
  • ...
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10 Tips For A Healthy "Pair"

Let’s focus on prevention and awareness to support our “girls”!

Breast cancer is one of the most common kinds of cancer in women. The good news is that most women can survive breast cancer if it’s found and treated early.

#1 Exercise!

Studies consistently show that increased physical activity is linked to lowering breast cancer risk. It’s thought that physical activity regulates hormones including estrogen and insulin, which can fuel breast cancer growth. Fat cells produce estrogen, and high levels of estrogen have been linked to certain cancers. Working out can shrink the size of fat cells, so your body pumps out less estrogen. Regular exercise also helps women stay at a healthy weight, which also helps regulate hormones and helps keep the immune system healthier. Even older women need to be concerned about estrogen, because of it being produced by fat cells post-menopause.

There is no magic number of hours a woman should exercise to prevent or lower the risk of breast cancer. H...

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What is Myofascial Release (MFR)?

What is Myofascial Release?

Through Myofascial Release, as a patient and as a therapist, I understand the importance of treating the whole body, not just the symptoms, and that every ‘body’ is unique based on their response to life circumstances.

Myofascial Release (MFR, John F Barnes approach) is a very effective hands-on technique that involves applying gentle, varied, sustained pressure and elongation into the body’s fascia. Fascia is the body’s connective tissue. Think about it as a three-dimensional spider web that is found throughout the entire body. It extends from head to toe, surrounding every system in our body, and is responsible for our structure/shape.

These techniques can help eliminate pain and restore posture and motion. It is gentle in nature and can help people with many degrees of pain, from chronic pain syndromes to injury recovery.

Fascial restrictions do not appear on standard medical tests and can only be felt through hands-on assessment of the soft tissue

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